WILD pens from Montegrappa

WILD: Savannah Sunset


“At day’s end, the savannah comes into its own. A feast of colour bathes the landscape in hues of yellow, orange, red and pink.” Project WILD and Montegrappa return to Africa to contemplate its intoxicating beauty through a new lens. An exclusive Montegrappite blend uses vivid twilight tones to evoke the painted skies and restless energy of a moment photographers refer to as ‘the golden hour’

Buy it here - Køb Savanna Sunset her i Montegrappas vidunderlige univers. LINK


WILD: Baobab


Buy it here - Køb Baobab her i Montegrappas vidunderlige univers. LINK

A collaboration between Montegrappa and National Geographic Explorers and Photographers, Uri and Helle Løvevild Golman, invokes the mythos of Africa’s mighty Baobab. From here, the Arctic lies far away. Yet in the context of their story, the feather of the Snowy Owl is a poignant symbol of shared trials and triumphs, and a reminder to pursue one’s passions with strength and vigour.

It is Uri and Helle's passport stamps that adorn the box and their pictures on the seven postcards with a story and greetings from them from each of the seven continents.


Et samarbejde mellem Montegrappa og Uri og Helle Løvevild Golman påberåber sig mythos om Afrikas mægtige Baobab. Herfra ligger Arktis langt væk. Alligevel er sneuglens fjer i forbindelse med deres historie et gribende symbol på fælles prøvelser og triumfer og en påmindelse om at forfølge ens lidenskaber med styrke og kraft.

Det er Uri og Helles passtempler der pryder æsken og deres billeder på de syv postkort med en historie og hilsen fra dem fra hvert af de syv kontinenter.


 Prices / Priser:

  • Fountain Pen: 990 euro
  • Rollerball:  750 euro
  • Ballpoint: 490 euro